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What the Drop? Newcomers Field Guide to the World of Drupal.

More than just great software, we are community.

New to Drupal?  When I first met Drupal, I was in awe, bewildered, overjoyed, frustrated, and optimistic.  In short, like many Drupalists and Drupalistas, I was in love.

 Fieldguide book cover

Let's talk about what Drupal is (and what it isn't), and get our feet wet on how to navigate in the Drupalsphere with thinking like Drupal and applying the skills we already know.  Got stuck?  We won't overlook how and where to look for a helping hand!  Finally, I will present a few of my favorite modules and some of the fun and useful things that can be done with them.

This is a beginner level session from an expert's experience.

Drupal Ecosystem
  • Community (what it is, why it's important)
  • Support (and how to get it)
  • Projects (free and paid)
Think Like Drupal
  • What you get out of the box
  • Contributed modules
  • Don't hack core/contrib (without sharing)
  • Custom modules
  • Configuration vs Content (touch on devops)
Drupal Devops

We will touch upon some key concepts of working in separate environments (and when it is and is not important to do) and what Drupal and the Drupalsphere provides to help facilitate this.  I'm talking distributed development, staging, and production environments, version control, continuous integration automatic deployment.

A Few of my Favorite Things

Presenting a bonanza of some of my favorite modules, concepts, and recipes that bring Drupal to life!

My Slides from TexasCamp 2016


Disclaimer: Neither Bronius nor TexasCamp sponsors nor affiliates are responsible for any nausea, vommitting, or dizziness that may occur from watching this prezi.

    Session Info

  • Experience level: 



Saturday Night Party
